
May 26, 2009

Subscribing to O’Really?

Filed under: technology — Duncan Hull @ 4:53 pm
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Feed the WorldJust a quick note about subscribing: if you are a regular reader of this O’Really blog and you don’t already subscribe, there are two ways you can receive automatic notifications when new posts are published here:

  1. Point your feed reader at http://feeds2.feedburner.com/oreally, (the preferred method) or …
  2. Point your feed reader at https://duncan.hull.name/feed/ (the WordPress method) which unfortunately gives unreliable subscriber stats. This  feed is linked to by the blue or orange feed icon (pictured right) you should be able to see in your web browsers address bar.

The first feed, is just the second feed re-routed through the magic of FeedBurner, which gives more useful viewing statistics.

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